Now playing:
Ta ostatnia niedziela
Recorded 1937

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© The Firestorm 2012
Template designed & coded by Virtuti-D


Message Boxes

To use Message Boxes use this html snippet:

Message text should be written here

Message text should be written here

Message text should be written here


Long quote

“Mea fabellas intellegat complectitur in, pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare. Mei cu dico suas erant. Pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.”

Short quote

To use Short Quote use this html snippet:
Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.

Masonry Image Gallery

To use Masonry Image Gallery use this html snippet:

Subheading for post title

To use Post title Subheading use this html snippet:

Russia since 1945

Russia since 1945

Russia since 1945